Senior Care News

Why Is it Better Not to Wait for Hospice Elder Care?

There’s a common belief that it’s better to wait to make decisions about hospice care, but it can be much better to make that decision sooner instead.
Hospice care improves a senior's quality of life.
Hospice care improves a senior's quality of life.

As people near the end of life, they may suddenly be faced with a variety of complicated decisions. When it’s clear that someone is nearing the end of life, it’s better not to wait to make the shift to hospice care. Many families wait until the last minute, however, and avoiding that can bring many benefits for families and for people who are nearing the end of life.


Improved Quality of Life

One of the biggest reasons not to wait to start hospice care is that it can significantly improve the quality of life for as long as possible. Hospice focuses on offering comfort, dignity, and the support that people need as they face terminal illnesses. By entering hospice earlier, people nearing the end of life can get the specialized care and resources they need to maintain a higher quality of life.


Symptom Management

Hospice also focuses on managing symptoms, including pain, for people nearing the end of life. Hospice care providers assess the various needs of their patients and develop care plans designed to meet those needs. Getting symptoms like nausea, shortness of breath, and anxiety under better control makes it easier to face end-of-life issues and decisions. Managing symptoms in a timely manner gives seniors a better end-of-life experience overall.


Increased Family Support

Hospice care also offers support to family members as they do everything they can to take care of the people they are losing. Entering hospice earlier rather than later ensures that family caregivers have support while they’re making these massive decisions about their family member’s care. As caregiving becomes more demanding, family caregivers also have additional assistance with respite care.


Holistic Care Approaches

There are many misconceptions about hospice care, including that it only offers medical assistance. But hospice is about offering a holistic approach to caring for people at the end of life. When families make the decision to enter hospice care sooner, they’re better able to take advantage of that holistic approach to care, which can help seniors have better overall outcomes.


Help with Planning Future Care

Sometimes, seniors and families haven’t talked about what they want from care at the end of their lives. This makes it difficult for family members to do what seniors want because they don’t know enough about their wishes. Hospice can help families break the ice on those conversations and determine what decisions still need to be made about future care plans.


Deciding to move to hospice care can feel like a difficult and very final decision. But waiting until the last moment to make that choice isn’t necessarily the best option. Embracing intervention and support sooner rather than later helps families and seniors have a better experience as seniors near the end of life. It’s all about ensuring that seniors have the best chance possible to have comfort, peace, and dignity in the last days of their lives.



If you or an aging loved one are considering Hospice Care in La Mesa, CA, please contact the caring staff at A Passion for Care today. Call (858) 798-5005

A Passion for Care is a Trusted Home Care Agency serving San Diego, La Jolla, Del Mar, Rancho Bernardo, Encinitas, Oceanside, Rancho Santa Fe, Point Loma, and surrounding areas.

Pat Melzer

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